Mirrors of Sound is the magical story of an 8 year-old girl, Mia, and her burning desire to discover the truths of her past life. Set in the otherworldly landscape of Dungeness, on Britain’s south coast, Mia and her widowed father Jake live in a desolate house on the shingle beach, overlooked by a nuclear power station. One evening at dusk, aided by her best friend Finn, she sets off on an adventure that is to change her life. With the advent of mystical sound waves from another place, and arriving at a secret ex-military location featuring massive concrete structures called the ‘sound mirrors’, Mia experiences visions of her past life as Charlie, a young male soldier working, and ultimately shot and killed, at the listening post under the sound mirrors, in 1930’s Britain.
It is a poetic, cinematically powerful moment that represents the emotional climax of the film, and for Mia, the acknowledgment of what she has felt since she was small, and since her mother’s death, of something other than what the eye can see. A few weeks later, on her way to school, her catharsis is further, and quietly, reinforced when she sees a vision of her mother from her past life in the window of a ruined shack, and she smiles in the knowledge that she is at peace with herself, the passage of time and space, and the poetics of the spiritual realm.